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1 tree(s) planted in memory of Clifford Judd
Marsha Hooper posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
My memories of Cliff are from my childhood. I recall him riding his tractor down the road to Byers equipment (which was right beside our house). He would drive slowly by and give a big smile and wave. He'd take time to stop and chat with dad. Cliff had a calm, kind, loving way about him and that's what I remember the most.
My thoughts and prayers are with you Lois and of course all of the family. Sending love and strength.
Marsha Hooper
David Boatman posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
My condolences to the Judd family for your loss. Having coached Jake Beelik under the close and caring eye of his father Chris and mother Shannon, I can tell you Jake's grandfather was a loving and caring person as he was at many of Jakes game encouraging his grandson and his team at every turn. To have a grandfather caring enough and truly enjoying sharing his grandchildren's activities truly speaks for the man himself. I am glad to have made his acquaintance.
Sheila Grimshaw posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
To Lois and all the Judd Family: My sincere sympathy to all of you. I remember being with Gord at No Frills and Cliff was working there. He and Gord held a special bond and I really appreciated their friendship. I am so sorry for your loss. May God hold all of you in the palm of his hand at this very difficult time. God bless all of you.
Yours in Christ Jesus
Sheila Grimshaw
Anonymous planted a tree in memory of Clifford Judd
Tuesday, January 28, 2025

As this tree reaches for the sky, we remember Cliff's beautiful soul soaring high above us.Thinking of you allLove Becky, David and Carter Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The family of Clifford Edmund Judd uploaded a photo
Monday, January 27, 2025

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