Monday, April 19, 2021
I remember with fondness Rev. Shirley's kindness, lectures,medumship and jewellery making. Perhaps I saw her grow and evolve as she would serve Britten Memorial Church in Toronto on their Psychic Fundraising days as well as Divine Services. Shirley would bring her mother to the Psychic Days. Years later, Shirley was serving at Springdale Church where I was attending. What a pleasure to reconnect with her! For the last 5 years I would ask different people how Shirley was doing and was ever so grateful to hear about her. Sadly, yesterday (April 18), someone who remembered me speaking of Shirley received notification of Shirley's passing, and sent me a note immediately. My night was changed. There was emotional darkness for me Shirley has definiely changed the world by instilling her love in all of us. I know the heavens will be rejoicing as they have gained another angel, a great worker and teacher. She will join all those who have gone before her, Let her have her rest needed and then reconnect to each of us proving life continues after so-called death. To the family, I feel your burden - a loss of a mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, confidante,,,,she wore all hats. May you find comfort in knowing the blessing Shirley was, knowing you are richer for having shared your lives together. Peace be yours! Hugs! Marlene Glauser